We played and still are playing with the puzzle which our Polish friends created for us!
Dear friends thank you very much!
We created 3 digital puzzles for our you too! We hope you'l like them :-)
Here is a description of the procedure of the creation of our puzzles:
Initially we searched in Google for coloring pages picturing Policeman or Policewoman. The kids selected 3 of them and we downloaded them.
Each group chose one coloring page and the kids prepared the pictures to be digital puzzles collaborating among them:
They painted it using several techics (markers, pastels, etc)
They cut it and gleued it on on a colored cardboard and some of them comleted it with some decoration and wrote the word "Αστυνομικός" with a marker:
Finally they scanned it working in groups:
When all groups completed the picture to be puzzle, we all gathered in 1st group's classroom in order to create our digital puzzles using the puzzle maker tool
Kids with the guidnes of teachers followed the steps needed for the puzzles' creation collaborating among them in groups of 2 or 3 kids:
They uploaded the picture:
... chose the shape of the pieces....
.... and the number of the pieces...