Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dictionary about profession "policeman". Collaborative activity

We created a dictionary related with the profession of policeman using the collaborative tool Realtime board.
This dictionary contains 7 words written in English, Polish and Greek next to a picture which represents each word.
Here is the procedure:

Polish school from Lazy started the dictionary. They uploaded 4 pictures and wrote next to them the words in English and Polish:

After that Greek, school wrote  next to  English and Polish words their Greek version. Moreover, Greek school added 3 words in English and Greek :

Polish school is going to complete the dictionary by writing the added words in Polish.

Dictionary, profession "policeman", procedure in Greek school

This activity is a collaborative one among the kindergarten students both in their own school and  with their etwinning partners, using Technology (computer, Internet, etc.).

Here is a short description of the procedure:
We gathered in 1st group's classroom and had an introduction in Realtime board tool:

Then teachers read the words in English and tried to read them in Polish :-) (I used my little experience from previous etwinning projects). 
After that the kids wrote the words in Greek, using the tools provided by Realtime board and the keyboard collaborating in groups of 2-4.

They chose several font colors for the letters they wrote and made them bold:

...and they linked the words with the right tool of  Realtime board:

Children liked very much this activity and their interesting was vivid.
By this activity the students had the oportunity - among others - to:
  • develop writting and reading skills in native language
  • have contact with foreign languages
  • increase their concentration
  • to exercise hand - eye coordination
  • use Technology - computer, smasrtboard - to implement collaborative activities
  • callaborate in their school and from distance with ICT use with their etwinning partners for the creation of a common dictionary

We created digital puzzles for our Polish friends! Short description of the activity.

We played and still are playing with the puzzle which our Polish friends created for us!
Dear friends thank you very much!

We created 3 digital puzzles for our you too! We hope you'l like them :-)

Here is a description of the procedure of the creation of  our puzzles:
Initially we searched in Google for coloring pages picturing Policeman or Policewoman. The kids selected 3 of them and we downloaded them.
Each group chose one coloring page and the kids prepared the pictures to be digital puzzles collaborating among them:
They painted it using several techics (markers, pastels, etc)

 They cut it and gleued it on on a colored cardboard and some of them comleted it with some decoration and wrote the word "Αστυνομικός" with a marker:

Finally they scanned it working in groups:

When all groups completed the picture to be puzzle, we all gathered in 1st group's classroom in order to create our digital puzzles using the puzzle maker tool

Kids with the guidnes of teachers followed the steps needed for the puzzles' creation collaborating among them in groups of 2 or 3 kids:

They uploaded the picture:

... chose the shape of the pieces....

.... and the number of the pieces...

....and ready!!! :

Monday, February 24, 2014

Watching and commenting on our partners' presentations

One of the most important dimensions in Etwinning projects is the interaction and the collaboration among the students.
In this post we present an example of the interaction among children in our project.
When new material is uploaded on Twinspace from our partners we watch it carefully and sometimes make comments. Kids and teachers really enjoy this activity very much!

Here is the activity "Watching our Polish friends "Introduce yourself" presentation:
On February 2nd, we watched the Glogster presentation which our etwinning new friends prepared for us.

We logged in Twinspce and clicked on their entry with Glogster and clicked on the Glogs:

We moved to Glogsteredu site and clicked on all the Glogsters - posters of our friends.
We watched their pictures and videos and we really enjoyed watching our friends in action:

We liked very much the videos in the posters:

After watching, we wrote some comments under their entry. The kids proposed some comments and teachers wrote them in English:

Thursday, February 20, 2014

"Greek Policeman Puzzle (3rd group)"

The puzzle of 3rd group.
Solve the puzzle!
(click on the picture)

preview20 piecePoliceman puzzle

"Greek Policeman Puzzle (1st group)"

The puzzle of 1st group.
Solve the puzzles!
(click on the pictures)

.. divided in 20 pieces:

preview20 piece Policeman puzzle
... in 12 pieces:
preview12 piecePoliceman puzzle

"The visit of the policeman in our school", Iraklio Attikis

On Monday 9th February 2014 we started preparing for the implementation of the activity "The Visit of the policeman in our school." We all gathered to the classroom of the first group and discussed what steps need to follow in order to call the professional in our school.
The first step was to send him an invitation. With collaborative way we divided the job of preparing the invitation in 3groups:
·         The first group undertook to prepare the text of the invitation (“use of writing for functional purpose” accordance with the objectives of the  national curriculum ). With the help of children we composed the text (orally) and after that the kindergarten teacher typed it on the computer.

        Then the kids copied it on the paper.

 ·         Once the text was ready, the children of the first group delivered the paper in the third group.  

    There, the children decorated it by painting designs associated with the profession of policeman.

·         Meanwhile, the second group undertook to prepare the envelope where would place the invitation

     The kindergarten teacher explained to the children what data should appear on a mailing envelope and the reasons why we put these data. With her help the children wrote the sender and the recipient (“use of writing for functional purpose - learning the conventions of writing” accordance with the objectives of the  national curriculum).

 The invitation is ready!

  The next day we delivered the envelope to the policeman...........

 ............ and we defined the date for the visit on Thursday 13th February 2014. 
One day before the visit of the policeman each group wrote the questions that wanted to ask.  


The day of visit: The children waited with great anxiety and anticipation the policeman to speak. Mr. X. told us about his work, about the uniforms of the policemen and policewomen, about the parts separated the police while using internet sources to support his words. Then, he answered the questions of the children and the teachers of our school

Τhe children thanked him and we took some commemorative photos.

Finally, the children painted their impressions of the visit of the policeman: 

Thank you very much Mr X. We learned so many things about your profession! 

Below is a video that describes the entire process for the visit of the policeman: